Volunteer Opportunities at HCA
Environmental Stewardship
Volunteer opportunities arise on a seasonal basis at the Hamilton Conservation Authority and could involve work indoors, outside or both. If you would like to be added to our volunteer database to be notified when volunteer opportunities become available for Environmental Stewardship, please fill out our online Volunteer Application.
If you would like to discuss volunteer opportunities currently available, please contact Joel Konik, Grants Officer at 905-525-2181, Extension 143, or by email at Joel.Konik@conservationhamilton.ca.
*Please note that the HCA Administrative Office (Woodend), located at 838 Mineral Springs Road, Ancaster, Ontario L9G 4X1 is not accessible by public transit.
Westfield Heritage Village
Volunteers are an essential component to the operation of Westfield Heritage Village. They act as historical interpreters for the public, school groups and motorcoach groups. They provide demonstrations on historic crafts and trades such as blacksmithing, woodworking, quilting, weaving, and cooking. Volunteers also assist in the management of Westfield’s collection of 25,000 artefacts.
For more information on volunteer activities at Westfield Heritage Village, contact Westfield at 519-621-8851 or by email at westfield@conservationhamilton.ca.
Hamilton Conservation Foundation
The Conservation Foundation has many different ways for you to contribute to your community. To view a few different ways, please visit their website by clicking here. The Conservation Foundation is seeking volunteers for key positions and committees. If you are interested in fundraising to support the Hamilton Conservation Authority, please contact us at foundation@conservationhamilton.ca or fill out our volunteer request form online and indicate your interest in the Foundation.