Addressing the Board

Addressing the Hamilton Conservation Authority Board of Directors
If you wish to address the Hamilton Conservation Authority Board of Directors, you may submit an item of correspondence or request to delegate by sending an email to the Administrative Coordinator – Office of the CAO, or calling 905-525-2181 ext. 114.

While board meetings are open to the public, if you wish to address the board at any public board meeting you must register in advance as a delegation or by submitting formal correspondence by email or letter.

When sending correspondence that is intended for consideration by the Board of Directors, please include your full name or organization name and current contact information and clearly indicate you are submitting comments for distribution to the Board of Directors.

A delegation is a member of the public, or a group, who wish to speak at a Hamilton Conservation Authority Board of Directors meeting.

Please complete the Request for Delegation Form at least eight (8) calendar days in advance of the Board of Directors meeting to be listed on the published agenda.

If a person or organization misses the delegation submission deadline, they may submit their item up to 12 PM EST the day of the meeting but will be only added to the agenda as a walk-on item if such a motion is made by a Board Member at the meeting and the motion passes by the majority in attendance or will be listed on the published agenda for the following meeting. Due to processing requirements, any submissions after this deadline cannot be accommodated.

Items of Correspondence
Persons or organizations may submit a correspondence item for the upcoming Board of Directors meeting agenda. If correspondence is received eight (8) calendar days in advance of a scheduled meeting, the item will be included on the regular agenda.

When sending correspondence that is intended for consideration by the Board of Directors, please include your full name or organization name and current contact information and clearly indicate you are submitting comments for distribution to the Board of Directors.

Any personal information you choose to disclose in your letter will become part of the public record and your name will be published on HCA’s website with the agenda; however, your contact information will be removed prior to posting.

If a person or organization misses the correspondence submission deadline, they may submit their item by 12:00 PM EST the day before the meeting but will be only added to the agenda as a walk-on item if such a motion is made by a Board Member at the meeting and the motion passes by the majority in attendance or will be listed on the published agenda for the following meeting. Due to circulation requirements, any submissions after this deadline cannot be accommodated.

Submission of Delegation Request or Correspondence
If you wish to submit an item of correspondence or request to delegate to the Hamilton Conservation Authority Board of Directors, please contact and direct to the care of:

Sandra Winninger, Administrative Coordinator – Office of the CAO
Hamilton Conservation Authority
838 Mineral Springs Road
P.O. Box 81067
Ancaster, ON L9G 4X1
Phone: 905-525-2181, ext. 114
Fax: 905-648-4622