Dundas Valley 50-Year Vision and Strategy

Dundas Valley 50-Year Vision and Strategy

Vision Statement:

In 2058, Dundas Valley continues as a diverse, sustainable, and essential Niagara Escarpment ecosystem. The Area’s forests, streams, meadows, farmlands and neighbourhoods connect people living in vibrant urban and rural Hamilton communities with their natural and cultural heritage.

The Dundas Valley 50-Year Vision and Strategy 2008 – 2058 is a  community oriented strategy, with the goal of maintaining and enhancing the unique character, culture, and charm of the Dundas Valley Area which is approximately 5400 hectares in size.

The Dundas Valley Area is rich in natural, historical, and cultural features but remains susceptible to, and is stressed by, the impacts of urban growth, climate change, and more.

The Dundas Valley 50-Year Vision and Strategy 2008-2058, is designed to establish a firmer foundation for securing the future of this valued urban wilderness.  It is organized into four major themes with 11 measurable goals.  Within the goals are strategic directions and a variety of actions suggesting approaches to implementation.

The Hamilton Conservation Authority is taking a holistic approach to the conservation and stewardship of the Dundas Valley Area through the long-term implementation of this Vision and Strategy on the land it owns, approximately 1,400 hectares.

For the Vision and Strategy to be realized and its actions fulfilled the community needs to take on a leadership role for the 4,000 hectares of the Dundas Valley Area under the following land uses: urban and rural residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural, recreational, transportation routes, utility corridors, etc.

Strategic Directions

Please review the following strategic directions fact sheets to find actions that you can undertake to help realize the Vision.

Acquire and Secure Lands
Combat Invasive and Nuisance Species
Create a Dundas Valley Trails Master Plan
Develop a Long-term Sustainable Transportation Plan
Develop a Management Plan for Increased Visitors
Develop a Visitor Access and Management Plan
Encourage Sustainable Recreation
Ensure a Financially Secure HCA
Increase the Connectivity of Communities and Neighbourhoods
Maintain and Preserve Ecological Integrity and Diversity
Partner with Local Business
Plan for Sustainable Tourism
Preserve and Enhance the Connectivity of Ecosystems
Preserve Small-town Atmosphere
Preserve the Escarpment
Promote a Sustainable Built Environment
Promote Best Practices and Demonstration Sites
Promote Green Business Practices
Promote Local Agriculture
Protect and Enhance the Health of Streams, Watercourses, and Waterfalls
Protect Architectural and Natural Heritage
Protect Rare and Endangered Species
Protect the Environment and Ecology
Provide New and Improved Outdoor Education Facilities
Recognize, Protect, and Connect Urban Forests
Recognize the Rich History of Aboriginal People and Early Settlers
Support Special Character Roads

*Each Strategic Direction will address climate change, as well as the promotion of alternative energy sources.

Mike Stone
Manager, Watershed Planning Services
Hamilton Conservation Authority
838 Mineral Springs Road, Box 81067
Ancaster, Ontario L9G 4X1
Tel: 905-525-2181, Ext. 133

With generous financial support from: