The Ongoing Battle of Fighting Phrag
The Hamilton Conservation Authority is facilitating habitat improvement on its own property in the area of Cootes Drive and Lower Spencer Creek by tackling one of the most aggressive invasive species in Ontario. Phragmites (‘Phrag’), or European Common Reed, is that tall wavy plant seen in wetlands and ditches with large seed heads at their top. This threat to biodiversity is known to quickly degrade habitat and wetland functions, and negatively impact native wildlife populations.
The pervasiveness and resiliency of this invasive species requires the aid of pesticides, and specially trained professionals to combat it. The controlled use of pesticides provides an effective means for combating aggressive and widespread invasive species such as Phragmites. The goal in treating Phragmites in the Lower Spencer area is to facilitate the natural rebound of native species of flora and fauna. The treatment of Phragmites is part of broader ongoing efforts to improve conditions in the Lower Spencer Creek and Cootes Paradise system.
The Hamilton Conservation Authority is dedicated to the long term monitoring and studying of the area. All possible precautions and safety measures will be taken in the administering of pesticides. Signs have been placed in the area identifying the locations of the work being undertaken. This project is highly weather sensitive, and may occur on any day between September 23rd and October 3rd.
Combating invasive species, and their impact, is a central strategic direction of the Dundas Valley 50 Year Vision and Strategy. The Dundas Valley 50 Year Vision and Strategy is a comprehensive community oriented strategy focused on preserving and enhancing the unique culture, character and charm of the Dundas Valley community.
For more information, please contact:
Lesley McDonell
Terrestrial Ecologist, Hamilton Conservation Authority
905-525-2181 ext. 231