The Hamilton Conservation Authority is pleased to be collaborating with Green Venture on a series of invasive species removals in urban and suburban Hamilton!
There are three separate events as part of this series.
Volunteers must register online in advance.
Event Information
Click below for events date, time, location and information.
When: Friday, July 26 from 10 AM to 12 PM
Volunteers are needed to help remove invasive plants at Felker’s Falls Conservation Area in Stoney Creek. Shrubs like buckthorn provide poor food and habitat for birds, outcompete beneficial native species, and negatively affect the soil and surrounding ecosystems. Non-native groundcovers, like English ivy or yellow archangel, crowd out the forest floor, preventing other species from seeding and growing, and provide little ecological value. This removal will help biodiversity and habitat quality in the watershed, and connect volunteers with HCA and Green Venture staff to learn more about efforts to combat invasive species. This series of removals is funded in part by the Invasive Species Action Fund. More information.
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When: Tuesday, July 30 from 10 AM to 12 PM
Volunteers are needed to help remove invasive plants from a restoration site in Hamilton, previously planted by Green Venture volunteers. Invasive plants such as sweet pea, crown vetch, and thistle create dense understories, limiting tree and shrub growth and outcompeting native species. This removal will help biodiversity and habitat quality in the watershed, allow for the continued restoration of this site, and connect volunteers with HCA and Green Venture staff to learn more about efforts to combat invasive species. This series of removals is funded in part by the Invasive Species Action Fund. More information.
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When: Thursday, August 1 from 4 PM to 6 PM
Volunteers are needed to help remove invasive plants from a restoration site in Hamilton, previously planted by Green Venture volunteers. Invasive plants such as teasel, crown vetch, and thistle create dense understories, limiting tree and shrub growth and outcompeting native species. This removal will help biodiversity and habitat quality in the watershed, allow for the continued restoration of this site, and connect volunteers with HCA and Green Venture staff to learn more about efforts to combat invasive species. This series of removals is funded in part by the Invasive Species Action Fund. More information.
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When: Tuesday, August 27 from 10 AM to 12 PM
Volunteers are needed to help remove invasive plants from Eramosa Karst Conservation Area in Stoney Creek. Common buckthorn is a shrubby invasive species that provides poor food and habitat for birds, outcompetes beneficial native species, and negatively affect the soil and surrounding ecosystems. Eramosa Karst has valuable meadow and forest ecosystems that the HCA wishes to support by removing areas dominated by buckthorn. This removal will help biodiversity and habitat quality in the watershed, and connect volunteers with HCA and Green Venture staff to learn more about efforts to combat invasive species. This series of removals is funded in part by the Invasive Species Action Fund. More information.