Financial Assistance for Landowners

HWSP Financial Assistance for Landowners

Are you interested in learning about or undertaking a conservation project on your property to create, enhance and restore wildlife habitat or improve water quality? Need funding for your conservation project? Learn more about different grant programs and financial assistance for landowners below.

The Hamilton Watershed Stewardship Program’s Water Quality and Habitat Improvement Program (WQHIP)

Private landowners throughout the watershed may be eligible to apply for financial assistance if they are undertaking conservation projects that improve wildlife habitat or water quality. The WQHIP supports rural, agricultural and urban property owners who have natural features on their properties or who are creating natural areas. Technical and volunteer assistance may also be available. For more information about the WQHIP, please contact a Watershed Stewardship Technician.

Examples of projects that private landowners have completed with financial assistance from the WQHIP include:

  • creating streamside vegetation buffers
  • fencing out livestock from streams
  • improving fish and wildlife habitat
  • controlling erosion
  • creating meadow, forest, prairie and wetland habitat
  • supporting cover crops
  • increasing biodiversity

Allowing stormwater to infiltrate into the ground naturally filters the stormwater and replenishes groundwater resources. We are pleased to be offering grants to property owners in the HCA watershed to cover 50% of costs up to a maximum of $2,500 for eligible projects to manage stormwater such as bioswales, downspout disconnections, infiltration trenches, soak away pits and stormwater retention/storage.

Our annual deadline to submit a funding application occurs on December 1. To see our WQHIP Guidelines click here.

Invasive Species Removal  Before
Invasive Species Removal Before
Invasive Species Removal After
Invasive Species Removal After
Planting Before
Planting Before
Planting After
Planting After

City of Hamilton Well Decommissioning Program

Abandoned water wells pose risk to our ground water resources and drinking water. Landowners in the City of Hamilton may be eligible to receive financial assistance to decommission abandoned water wells on their property, up to a maximum of $1,000 per well, with a limit of two wells per property.

Wellington Rural Water Quality Program (WRWQP)

The WRWQP offers financial and technical assistance to rural landowners in the County of Wellington to implement agricultural Best Management Projects to protect and improve water quality. Learn more here.

Contact Us

For more information on these programs, please contact HCA Stewardship staff:

Cherish Gamble
Watershed Stewardship Technician
905-525-2181, ext. 181

Jeff Stock
Watershed Stewardship Technician
905-525-2181, ext. 196