HCA is pleased to announce the official opening of the Saltfleet Conservation Area to the public on Saturday, October 2, 2021. Visitors to the area should wear appropriate footwear as muddy conditions exist.
The Saltfleet Conservation Area, located south of the Niagara Escarpment in the Upper Stoney Creek and Upper Battlefield Creek watersheds, offers linkages to the Dofasco 2000 Trail and the Devil’s Punchbowl Conservation Area, as well as environmental features and beauty of its own.
HCA Chairman Lloyd Ferguson notes “We are thrilled to be opening the Saltfleet Conservation Area on the east escarpment to the public which provides both recreational opportunities and mitigates the impacts of climate change. With this area, we are striving to create wetlands, and provide trails and recreation with a conservation area for citizens to use and enjoy the outdoors. “
The acquisition of lands in the area, made possible through donations from the City of Hamilton and Heritage Green Community Trust, is part of a larger long‐term plan, to reduce downstream flood risk and erosion to residential and commercial properties by acquiring lands, enhancing, and enlarging existing wetland areas, creating new wetland areas and restoring the natural features and functions of watercourses in the area. Once all four planned wetlands are created, the area will have the ability to hold the equivalent of 236 Olympic‐size swimming pools.
The creation of the first wetland will be getting underway in late 2021.
The Saltfleet Conservation Area will include the wetland and natural areas with an associated parking lot with a direct trail connection and safe access point to the Dofasco 2000 Trail for hikers and cyclists. This is an added benefit of the new conservation area that will ease the traffic congestion at the very popular Devil’s Punchbowl.
The Dofasco 2000 Trail is an 11.5 km trail which links to the Devil’s Punchbowl Conservation Area with its spectacular view of the escarpment, Stoney Creek and Hamilton. The Dofasco 2000 Trail also provides access to the Vinemount Swamp. Visitors can experience the beauty of this area from the boardwalk through the swamp, giving them a unique view of the centre of a wetland.
As the additional Saltfleet Conservation Area wetlands are developed, further trails and interpretive signage will be added to enhance public access, nature appreciation and educational opportunities.
See the Saltfleet Conservation Area wetland restoration program page for more information.