HCA releases 2023 Watershed Report Card

Conservation Authorities across Ontario have just launched a third set of watershed report cards (WRCs) coinciding with World Water Day. This is an important project reporting on environmental conditions in our watersheds. Conservation Authorities carry out valuable work of monitoring and reporting on conditions within local watersheds. Watershed report cards are a culmination of their efforts on a five-year reporting cycle.

In addition to being used by Conservation Authorities, many other organizations also use these watershed report cards to connect their monitoring and reporting to environmental conditions in Ontario.

The theme for this year’s World Water Day is Be the Change. In addition to providing an overview of conditions, Conservation Authorities’ watershed report cards have plenty of suggestions for how we can ‘be the change’ to increase Ontario’s natural resilience.

Learn About the State of Your Local Watershed
Conservation Ontario, a non-profit association that represents HCA and all 36 Conservation Authorities in Ontario, has produced a State of Ontario’s Watersheds StoryMap which provides an overview of Conservation Authority 2023 watershed report card results. It also looks at some of the work already underway by Conservation Authorities and provides suggestions for other actions by decision-makers, partners and residents.

Find other Conservation Authorities’ watershed report cards by visiting the Watershed Checkup website.


