
2015 Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Envirothon

What is Envirothon?

Envirothon is a competition for high school students in grades 9 to 12. The competition is designed to expose students to diverse environmental issues and allow them to apply their knowledge of environmental science, ecology, biology and natural resources. The Ontario Provincial Envirothon Competition is organized by Forests Ontario and is delivered in numerous Regions throughout Ontario. The Hamilton Conservation Authority organizes the local Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Envirothon.

Students can participate in the Envirothon:
• As part of regular classroom study
• As part of the Specialist High Skills Majors Forestry and Environment programs
• Through extra-curricular clubs (E.g. Environmental Club, Outdoors Club)

How to Register:

Until January 31st, registration fees are $150.00 per team, after that date the registration fee per team is $200. Teams can register online at www.ontarioenvirothon.on.ca

For further information contact:

Beth Stormont, HW Regional Envirothon Co-ordinator
Education Program Manager, B.A., B. Ed
Hamilton Conservation Authority
Phone: 905-627-1233 Email:beth.stormont@conservationhamilton.caThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2015 Dates to Remember:

  • Special Topic Workshop: Saturday March 28, 2015
  • Field Practice: Tuesday April 7, 2015
  • HW Regional Envirothon Competition: Tuesday April 21, 2015

Click here to download the 2015 Envirothon Flyer

For the latest updates on Envirothon become a fan of the program on Facebook by clicking here.

Beth Stormont, Education Program Manager,B.A., B. Ed
HW Regional Envirothon Co-ordinator
Hamilton Conservation Authority
Phone: 905-627-1233
Email:beth.stormont@conservationhamilton.caThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.