Ancaster, Chedoke and Tiffany Creek Subwatersheds
Do you live in the Ancaster, Chedoke and Tiffany Creek Subwatershed?
Look on the map below to find out what subwatershed you live in.
Stewardship Action plans for Ancaster, Chedoke and Tiffany Creeks
The subwatersheds of Ancaster, Chedoke and Tiffany Creeks are the most urbanized subwatersheds of all of Spencer Creek and because of this, were identified as high priority areas for stewardship action.
Our urban activities can have harmful effects on ecosystems. Some of these effects are already evident in the subwatersheds of Ancaster, Chedoke and Tiffany Creeks, but if everyone works together then we can help to heal our environment for everyone to enjoy!
In 2007, the Hamilton Conservation Authority, in cooperation with local agencies, businesses and residents, developed environmental Action Plans for these subwatersheds of Spencer Creek.
The Action Plans identified numerous environmental stresses in these areas including occurrences like: contaminated runoff from roadways, encroaching landscaping into our natural areas, habitat fragmentation, litter, etc. Stewardship Actions relating to education outreach, scientific studies and habitat restoration were developed to help alleviate these problems.
Read the plans online
Click on the links below to read the Action Plan for your area.
- Section 1 , Executive Summary and Introductory Document
- Section 2 , Ancaster Creek Stewardship Action Plan
- Section 3 , Chedoke Creek Stewardship Action Plan
- Section 4 , Tiffany Creek Stewardship Action Plan
Appendices available upon request.