Meet the Invasive Species Team

Here at the HCA, invasive species are managed by our Invasive Species Technicians Ben & Bryson! Ben and Bryson joined the HCA in August of 2023, and work closely with the ecology team and our conservation areas services staff to plan, strategize, map, remove, treat, and restore areas affected by invasive species.

The job of invasive species technician changes a lot throughout the year. In the winter, field work isn’t always possible, so it is a time for planning, compiling data, and working on reports to better understand the state of invasives in the watershed. Spring is a great time to survey and map, finding out where our invasive species are located and how they should be prioritized. By late spring, removals and treatments begin, including pulling, cutting, and pesticide application into the summer and fall months.

One of the most important skills needed to be an invasive species technician is to be adaptable. New species and information are always coming to light, and we always need to be ready to tackle a new issue if something is discovered. Being knowledgeable about the environment, keen to learn new skills, and passionate about ecological conservation are very important when working out in nature.

Feel free to say hi to Ben and Bryson if you see them around your favorite conservation area!


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