Starting in the fall of 2013 the Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) began making significant trail improvements in the Dundas Valley Conservation Area (DVCA). The goal of this project is to develop the trail system so it becomes similar to the Hamilton to Brantford Rail Trail. To make this possible gravel will be placed and compacted throughout the trail system, boardwalks will be replaced or refurbished, trail drainage will be improved and hazardous trees will be removed.
These trail improvements will help reduce wet spots, reduce the opportunity for new wet spots to develop, cover tree roots and make the trails more accessible for all users groups of the trail system. With the increasing population surrounding DVCA, the trail system has seen a large increase in all user groups. With the work HCA will be able to provide a better experience for the public to enjoy the great outdoors.
Over the course of trail maintenance where gravel has been laid, the surface of the trails will become more compacted with the arrival of the winter months. Site inspections will be completed in the spring, trails that require further improvements will be covered with a finer layer of gravel once the base is established. During this time HCA encourages the public to be active on the trails, however with ongoing maintenance some trails may be temporarily closed, for up to date information refer to HCA visitor alerts. {Insert link}
The trail improvement project in DVCA is the largest of the trail improvement projects that is taking place within HCA conservation areas. Further trail improvement work is being carried out on trails at Valens Lake, Christie Lake and on The Dofasco Trail.
Funding for this project is made possible by the fundraising efforts of multiple user groups of DVCA, donations have been donated to HCA through the Hamilton Conservation Foundation, the fundraising branch for HCA.