Haudenosaunee deer harvest begins November 4

The Haudenosaunee Wildlife and Habitat Authority (HWHA) and Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) have agreed to a Specific Agreement for the 2024 season based on the existing Protocol to address the Treaty Rights of the Haudenosaunee on HCA-owned lands.

Deer harvesting for the 2024 season will be conducted in two areas of the Dundas Valley Conservation Area (DVCA) designated as Schedule A and Schedule B (see below). For November and December 2024, harvesting will occur concurrently within Schedule A and Schedule B. The area designated in Schedule B has no public access or trail system.

Harvesting will only occur on HCA-owned lands in Schedule A & B on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between November 4 and December 5, 2024.

The number of deer to be harvested is limited to 60 deer. Hamilton Police Services, the City of Hamilton municipal law enforcement and Ministry of Natural Resources Enforcement staff have been consulted concerning public safety and advised of the harvest and corresponding area closures. Appropriate trail signage and notification to adjacent residents about the harvest and area closure will be provided.


Deer harvesting has been a long-standing tradition of the Haudenosaunee, dating back thousands of years and serving an essential role in their way of life. Regarding the Dundas Valley Conservation Area (DVCA), the Nanfan Treaty, or the Treaty at Albany of 1701, gives the Haudenosaunee the right to harvest and fish in this area.

In 2011, the Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs recognized and fully supported this Treaty and encouraged the Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) to continue collaboration with the Haudenosaunee. The HCA acknowledges the importance and validity of the Nanfan Treaty and respects the important cultural role that deer harvesting plays in the Haudenosaunee’s way of life.

In 2011, the HCA’s Board of Directors authorized entering into an agreement with the Haudenosaunee Wildlife and Habitat Authority (HWHA) to establish a protocol regarding deer harvesting on HCA-owned lands. An agreement was made and continues to be in effect, allowing the HWHA to harvest a set number of deer in selected parts of the DVCA.

